In-Depth Analysis – Anti-Anxiety Effects Of Phenibut

An In-depth Analysis on The effect of Phenibut on Anxiety

Anxiety is a disorder that affects a significant number of people all over the world. It is typically downplayed as a self-made disorder owing to the fact that people use the term loosely to identify any high tension situation or environment. This notion has led to people who actually suffer from the condition to negate the importance of seeking help to combat the effects of the disorder. The severity of anxiety ranges from mild to extreme in different people and situations as well.

Owing to the disregard and stigmatization that is experienced by individuals who have this disorder, it is important to provide insight on the symptoms, causes and treatment methods to the masses. This will enable the people who suffer from anxiety to seek treatment options without the fear of being ridiculed and judged. One prominent drug that has emerged to aid people in managing the symptoms of anxiety is Phenibut. It is a nootropic drug that helps in maintaining a healthy mental and physical state by enhancing cognitive functions.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental disorder that manifests through a series of persistent and unpleasant feelings and thoughts. It is debilitating and intimidating to cope with any stressful environment or situation when experiencing an anxiety attack. When a person is experiencing an anxiety attack, they are not able to be around a group of people, and they tend to feel nervous, uneasy and confused.

There are various kinds of anxiety, and each has its own set of symptoms. People with anxiety tend to exhibit psychological and physical symptoms of unease. However, the general symptoms of anxiety include;

  • Feeling of nervousness, tension or restlessness
  • Persistent feeling of dread and panic
  • Muscle twitch or shivers
  • Confusion and inability to focus on anything other than that dreadful feeling
  • Heart beating rapidly
  • Heavy sweating and hyperventilation
  • Engaging in compulsive behaviors
  • Desire for constant isolation in social settings

Types of Anxiety

There are 5 main types of anxiety disorders. While each varies from one person to the next, the underlying factor or cause is dominant in each. These disorders include;

1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

An obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD is characterized by progressive unwanted thoughts. People who suffer from OCD perform a series of repetitive rituals that are deemed to ward off the thoughts of the feeling of dread or allegedly inspire good luck before an important action or event. Some of these repetitive behaviors include counting, hand washing and counter checking a mundane thing like closing the door. These rituals offer temporary relief and trigger an illusion of calmness.

2. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

GAD is an anxiety disorder that manifests through chronic anxiety and extreme levels of tension and worry. These episodes are generally not provoked.

3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD

PTSD is an anxiety disorder that manifests after one goes through a terrifying or traumatic event. The event or ordeal is likely to have posed or actualized a physical threat to the person. This disorder is mainly experienced by individuals who have served in a military or combative capacity.

4. Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder which is characterized by a series of intense bouts of fear and dread.

5. Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia

Social Anxiety Disorder also known as social phobia is an anxiety disorder in which the person feels terrified of being in public or interacting with people. In its severe form, the person will not be able to eat, drink or even make conversation with anyone in their surroundings. They experience an innate fear or even getting out of their house which is regarded as a comfort zone.

Phenibut for Anxiety

Phenibut is a derivative of GABA which is the natural neurotransmitter located in the brain. GABA is tasked with triggering a sense of calm in the brain and regulates the activity of the neurons. GABA is integral in maintaining the balance of the membranes in the brain cells.

In the case of an over anxious mental state, GABA prevents excessive activity which is sparked by the overstimulation of neuron- the case when a person is experiencing an anxiety attack. Phenibut effectively helps to decrease the anxious state of the mind and inspire a relaxed state. It also contributes to the stimulation of Dopamine which induces a sedated feeling to reduce the dreadful feelings that run through your mind as in the case of anxiety.


Phenibut reviews have praised its potency and ability to turn down the mental background noise. When taken as prescribed, it will be able to develop a feeling of confidence and deal with the symptoms of anxiety effectively.

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