Buy Modafinil

How and Where You Can Buy Modafinil

I've been having issues with concentration and focus for as long as I can remember, especially since high school days. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with a mental disorder, but I'm generally a very lazy and laid back person. For the longest time, my mother has called me Lazy Lucy, because that's exactly what I am.

When it came down to getting things done at work, I couldn't afford to be lazy anymore, or if end up losing my job. Being an adult is hard, time has taught me, and most of my mother's quips and tips finally started making sense. Eventually, I had to find a fix for my never-ending lethargy, and I did. 

A normal day in my life

A typical day in my life had no specific hours; I'd wake up at odd times, sleep at odd times, eat irregularly and also have no fixed hours kept aside to do anything productive. When you're younger, laziness is still not as damaging. However, as you get older and your responsibilities increase, time management is something that cannot be ignored. There finally came a time when my laziness became a bad habit, and it was starting to bother me too. 

Taking up Nootropics

I did a lot of thinking, and also took the advice of my friends on how I could get rid of this habit and become more productive. Modafinil was my fix, and I couldn't be more grateful for it! I found this wonder drug in a shady little article online, which thankfully linked me to forums and platforms where there were full-fledged testimonials of how great and effective it is. As far as my knowledge went, I knew absolutely nothing about nootropics. In fact, it was the first time that I had even heard of the term and I was curious to know what these were. 

Nootropics are essentially miracle drugs or wonder drugs that can actually help your brain function better. While this did seem a little farfetched to me when I first read about it, I started believing in it when I read hundreds of people testifying to the authenticity of nootropics. And I really wanted to try it out because my performance had been on the poorer side lately, which worried both my family and my friends.

Choosing Modafinil

I chose Modafinil for a very simple reason: it was the drug that best suited to issues of laziness and inactivity. Modafinil is designed to make the user feel more energized and active, and also results in quicker cognitive responses and mental growth. I realized that that different nootropics cater to different mental issues, so it's very important to pick the most suitable one. 

Getting Modafinil

The tricky part for me was to understand how I was going to get my hands on Modafinil in the first place. I had read on a few forums that not all doctors were ready to write down a prescription for the drug, and this turned out to be true. Mind you, Modafinil, like most other nootropics, is FDA approved. Which means it's not an illegal form of medication at all. However, very few doctors are willing to write a prescription for it, and only if they believe that you really, really need to take it. Maybe it's got to do with them not wanting to deal with any liability in the future. 

Hence, I thought the next best option would be to just order it online. Then again, I was skeptical, because I had also heard that the drugs being sold online were fakes or duplicates and could cause adverse effects if consumed. One has to be very cautious because there are tonnes of fake websites and sellers out there who are just trying to make a quick buck. And since the demand and awareness of nootropics have shot up significantly, they've become hot property in the market, which has lead to the birth of too many unlicensed sellers. Some testimonials had claimed that they ended up with some very bad side effects after consuming Modafinil purchased online, so one has to be extremely careful while doing so. 

Modafinil is a drug that is usually prescribed to those who suffer from sleeping disorders. Some people have a clinical disorder of oversleeping or sleeping at odd times and constantly feeling fatigued, for which Modafinil is the appropriate drug to use. So, I realized that an easy way to obtain Modafinil through a prescription would be to convince a doctor that I have a sleeping disorder that would require me to take Modafinil. It's not exactly wrong per say, because I was quite confident that Modafinil would not cause me or my body any harm. 


The dosage that I was prescribed was 200 mg a day, but my skepticism caused me to start off with only 100 mg a day. I mean it when I say this, the results were incredible! Maybe it had something to do with my mindset as well, but I felt more energized and motivated than ever, and just in a span of a few days! Honestly, Modafinil was that boost I needed to get out of my lethargy and start doing something interesting with my life. I started performing better at work, and even showed more interest in my chores back home. My family was pleased, of course, and my friends noticed a difference in my demeanor as well. They could tell that I wasn't the same Lazy Lucy anymore, and I had redeemed myself from my previous state. 

So, if you ask me, it's been an interesting journey from reading reviews to writing one myself. If you think Modafinil is the right drug for you and you're having trouble with getting your hands on it, you've got to explore multiple options and see to it that you don't end up buying any fake products. Even if it takes you some time, try finding a place when you can get a prescription for it and buy it from a store. It's better to take precautions than to hurry into purchasing something that might cost you dearly later on!

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